We Dream of a World Where Chemical-Free Cleaning is the Standard

'The Power of Water'

Like you, we aspire to a healthier world where humans, animals, and the planet coexist in balance. That's why we collaborate with nature, tapping into its cleaning power to maintain people's living spaces. This renders traditional cleaning agents unnecessary—better for you, better for the planet.

There's no more effective way to clean your toilet than with the power of the BubbleFlush. Harnessing the potent cleaning force of imploding bubbles, you can now clean your toilet effectively and environmentally friendly. For the best results: naturally, with 'The Power of Water'.

Meet Dennis and Hidde, Inventors of the BubbleFlush.

We Believe...

...that cleaning with chemicals is simply no longer an option given the health of our planet and its inhabitants.

We Dream of...

...a world where chemical-free cleaning is the standard. Organizations no longer accept the use of chemicals, and every cleaning company exclusively uses the BubbleFlush for toilet cleaning.

That's Why We Have...

...developed a revolutionary solution for effective, safe, and chemical-free toilet cleaning: BubbleFlush.

This is our story

The Beginning of Something Beautiful

In 1998, Hidde Reitsma and Dennis Luiten found themselves side by side in a Belgian pub during a Netherlands-Belgium soccer match, thanks to their wives' friendship. With a beer in one hand and a water pistol in the other, they were enjoying life. This marked the start of a unique friendship that deepened over the years. In 2019, this friendship evolved into a joint business venture: the development of the BubbleFlush.

"What began as an idea for cleaning teeth turned into a kind of toilet brush 2.0. We discovered that through cavitation, bubbles that implode, we could effectively and environmentally friendly clean a toilet bowl. But that journey wasn't without challenges—specifically, power bumps during the testing of the first prototypes." After extensive testing, countless hours of brainstorming in the park, and continuous development, the BubbleFlush was born—the world's first innovative solution for chemical-free toilet cleaning.

Dennis Luiten

Dennis, trained in Aircraft Electrical Engineering, embarked on his career as an independent entrepreneur after completing his education. He managed agencies for various products and later successfully developed and marketed several innovative ICT products, including Educa Planet (virtual second-hand textbook market), Montan-Lago ICT (ICT Education Concepts), and M2Desk (Multimedia student table and roll-up cabling system).

Hidde Reitsma

Hidde, initially trained in installation engineering, worked in that industry for several years. Later, he pursued courses in Dental Technology and Clinical Prosthetic Technology. After working for several laboratories, he became a successful self-employed entrepreneur, contributing to renowned dental companies as a Clinical Prosthetic Technician.


Together, Dennis and Hidde lead TranZero, a company focused on developing sustainable solutions. They are dedicated to making a positive contribution to the world, striving for a cleaner environment and a healthy living space for future generations.

BubbleFlush, Better for:


Safe and Healthy for Users


No production and use of chemicals


CO2 Reduction of >98,75%


At 12 Toilets, an ROI of One Year

"BubbleFlush is a real game-changer for us, allowing us to be of even more value to our customers." 
Ton Nijgh, CSU
"Think about the generation coming after you and what kind of world they will face. Realize that, the way things were going, it can't go on."
Hans Paul Visscher, Wecovi
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